Hi, I'm Mark McKnight. Would You Like To Know More About Me,
My Passion For Digital Photography And Building Websites?
One of the main things about
me is my big passion in life for digital photography.
I think it’s great fun!
My camera at the moment is a Canon 7D and I also use my older Canon
400D. They're are really
impressive tools for creating superb pictures.
I’ve read many books on digital photography, but I find the best way to
get to know your camera is trial and error.
Play with the settings. Take lots of pictures – you can always delete
the bad ones afterwards.
Digital photography, for me, is a very rewarding hobby, but starting
out can be a little daunting at first. Don't be afraid to
learn...that's part of the fun!
Just experiment with different techniques until you become familiar
with them. Soon, your skills will develop and you'll be taking superb,
high quality pictures.
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