This picture was taken with my Canon D400 in the Summer 2008. I took it in my studio at my home in St-Petersburg. This is one of my favourite photos of Irena and I like it very much!
If you want to learn how to take shots like this, then have a look at Amy Renfrey's book: Digital Photography Success. She is a great photography teacher and will show you how to achieve great portrait pictures like 'Beautiful Irina'
Hope you don't mind. It is such an inspirational picture, that I wanted to show it off.
Regards, Mark
Jul 03, 2009 Rating
B-E-U-TI-FUL by: Octavia
Hey Jed,
I love this photo. I would personally hang it next to a Mono Lisa (if I had one). I'm an upcoming photography star with a strong interest in fashion and portrait photograpy. I am currently a new student in a photography program. At this time, I'm taking basic classes such as drawing and design. I'm so anxious to start snapping pictures and running the show, but I know I have to be patient. Got any tips, news, or words of encouragment for me?
You R AWESOME MAN!!!! Octavia
Jun 08, 2009 Rating
Amazing~ by: Anonymous
I love her intense eyes!!! congrats on such a great pic, I hope i'll be soon taking pic's like yours.
Indi B Dunedin New Zealand
May 02, 2009 Rating
Photo Of The Month May 2009 by: Mark McKnight
Congratulations to Jed for being photo of the month for May 2009. Last month 841 people viewed this picture of his girlfriend Irina.
As YOUR pictures area grows month after month, you can see how outstanding Jed's pictures are. They are constantly receiving new visitors every day.
If you are seeing Beautiful Irina for the first time, please leave a comment for Jed. Tell us what you think, positive or negative. Thanks
Jan 30, 2009 Rating
Thanks by: Mark McKnight
What can I say. Thanks for sending us another picture of your beautiful girlfriend. You can see another picture of Irena in the Female Photography section.