Fight or flight
by Denise
(Nome, Alaska, United States)
Fight or flight
Camera specifics are Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi, the fstop: f/9 with ISO at 200, shutter speed is 1/250 sec. This is a photo I shot while I was out on "assignment" to get shots of berry pickers (quotes because I was also after berries). My son, David, and our dog, Grubby, walked out in search of berries.
My son is also a wrestler and had gone to a neighboring village for a tournament and they'd sold these hoodies there.
We live in a treeless country and our berries grow wild in the tundra. A jaeger was out protecting its nest, came and dive bombed at my son and dog. Grubby enjoyed the idea of "hunting" a bird, he was ready for a fight while the jaeger was set for flight. I submitted this shot for a school project with adjustments to it, here I am submitting without doing any alterations in PS or any other program. The photo was taken Aug. 2009 in the wide open space of tundra outside of the little town of Nome, Alaska.