Learn Digital Photography Now And Shoot Pictures Like The
If you want to learn digital photography,
there is no better place to start. Dan Feildman, author of the best
selling "Your Guide To Digital Photography",
teaches you everything you need to know in one practical and
easy-to-follow guide.
He starts by giving you a complimentary report
that introduces you to digital photography from the very beginning.
His expert tips start with choosing a camera and lead on to
understanding your camera’s settings. He then explains a little bit
about basic photography skills and
finishes by telling you what makes a good photo. To get the
complimentary report, Shoot Digital Pics
Like the Pros, Click Here*
Let me introduce you to
"Your Guide To Digital Photography"
This best selling digital photography manual,
follows on after the complimentary report and shows you lots of
different tips and techniques for capturing the perfect shot on any
You will learn how to get the best pictures of birthday parties,
weddings, holidays, sporting events...you name it, he covers it.
Here is just a taster of what you will learn:
Being ready to capture an important moment
Know which lenses to use
Determine which camera to buy
Take amazing night-time shots
Learn how to take pictures of your favourite animals and
Get to grips with the basics, such as white balance,
shutter-release, red-eye reduction, etc...
Share your pictures online
Printing your pictures
Does this sound good to you?
Well, there is more!
Just for ordering ‘your guide to digital photography’,
Dan is throwing in a selection of complimentary bonuses.
These include:
Picasa Tutorials. Find, Organise and Share Your Photos
A video to help you make your digital camera buying
Your Top Digital Photography Questions
An Experiment in Photography
Secrets of Night Photography
To get your free report "Shoot Digital Pics Like the
Pros" and learn more about "Your Guide To
Digital Photography", including how to get
it, all you have to do is Click Here*
Just type in your name and email address and the report will be sent to
you immediately.
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