Mud Lake (HDR Photograph)

Mud Lake (HDR Photograph)

by Jamie Roach
(Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada)

Mud Lake

Mud Lake

This is a High Dynamic Range (HDR) photo of Mud Lake near Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada. This HDR image was produced by shooting three exposures of the same scene.

The bracketing process basically involves one overexposure, one underexposure and one standard exposure. The degree of the over-or-under exposure is up to the photographer.

Then the photos are loaded into a software program such as Photomatix, which generates the HDR image through its tone-mapping application.

In a nutshell, it's a method to finally bring out the detail in blinding snow and through the same image also reveal what was in the shadows of an adjacent grove of trees while not sacrificing the correct exposures of either.

Visit to discover the HDR experience by seeing how ordinary photos are transformed into stunning images through the High Dynamic Range process. Invaluable Photoshop and photography tips also offered.

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May 03, 2009
Learning More About HDR
by: Mark McKnight

HDR photography is something that I didn't know much about until recently. Your picture and website inspired me to find out more about HDR and try it for myself. Thanks for the great picture.

After scanning through your site, I decided to get myself a book about HDR photography. I went to Amazon and bought 'The Complete Guide To HDR Photography'.

Ferrell McCollough, the author, has included lots of HDR photos in the book which inspired me to try and duplicate them. I tried a few, but need alot more practice.

The main methods of HDR are dicussed, mainly merging and tone mapping using software. The HDR program that he uses is Photomatix Pro. You can also get this from Amazon or if you search in google, there is a trial version for you to try.

Mastering this digital photography technique will really make your pictures stand out. Thanks again for the picture of Mud Lake that inspired me to try it out.

May 02, 2011
Great photo
by: Anonymous

I love landscapes, your photo is fantastic. Love it!

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