Try These Wedding Photography Ideas And Poses Which Are
Traditional, Creative And Unique
Wedding photography ideas and poses are normally associated with a
style of wedding photography. They are usually concentrated on the
Bride, Groom and wedding party and each pose is formally planned and
staged giving you time to get your camera settings, composition and
exposure correctly set.
Not all wedding poses have to be taken in this style though
and most photographers will mix and match between the traditional and
journalistic style.
When you're engaging in the journalistic style you are wearing many
hats and you need to be on the move quite a bit.
It may even by necessary to involve the help of a partner so as not to
miss any of
the action.
You could be taking candids of people laughing or crying, capturing
objects associated with the ceremony or shooting the wedding party as
they mingle before and after the ceremony.
If you're a bride-to-be it can be hard finding wedding photography
ideas and poses that will give you inspiration for your big day. It can
be hard
sometimes to find the right style for the type of photos you want at
your ceremony. You don't want your album to have the same basic poses
as your
friends or other family members.
If you're like me, you'll want your friends and family to go 'Wow' when
they look at your wedding photo album. You want to hear them say things
like, "I've never seen that before" or "That's
a really nice shot."
Do you trust your photographer to deliver the Wow-factor in your album.
If you've seen some of his or her work before and they have a
reputation for delivering unique and creative wedding shots, then lucky
you – job done! Let him loose to do his work.
On the other hand, most photographers are great at their jobs
and will deliver the goods, but with a little input and direction from
you they can produce a superb photo album that you'll just love to show
off to your friends.
How Do You Make Your Pictures Unique?
Well, you can change your photos from color to black and white to add
some emotion to the shot. You can have your pictures taken from
different angles or have them taken with the camera angled at 45
degrees. Let me show you a few of my favorite wedding photography ideas
and poses
that I think are unique, unusual and have the Wow factor.
Bride And Groom Kissing With The Bouquet On A Table
The first photo I'd like to share with you is quite traditional and
posed. You can see the bride and groom sitting down in the background
kissing and the bride's bouquet is layed out on a table in the
This shot is quite easy to setup, but appears quite creative. The
photographer positions the couple about 4 feet behind the table with
the bouquet on it and uses a wide aperture on their camera of around
f/4 to create the blurred background effect. A simple but effective
wedding photography idea and a great album pose.
Beautiful Portrait Shot Of The Bride's Face
The next shot is known as an extreme close-up and really shows off the
Bride's beautiful face. The key to this portrait style shot is focusing
on the eyes and getting the right lighting. You will also notice that
the photographer has placed the
bride off center to include her veil which is held up by an assistant.
They have also cropped the top of her head in order to get in close to
really accentuate the beautiful skin tones of her face and shoulders.
This was probably taken with a focal length of 85mm and an aperture of
f/4. You could also try the same technique with the Groom.
The Happy Couple Kissing On A Balcony
Look at how well this picture is composed. Another possible wedding
photography idea for you to try. The newly-wed couple are
standing on a balcony with the photographer shooting up towards them
from below.
The Bride and Groom both have one hand on the railing while the Groom
has his other arm around his Bride and she is holding the bouquet. I
think she adds emotion to the overall shot by looking away smiling
while her husband kisses her on the cheek.
Beautifully Composed Picture Of A Bride Sitting On Steps
This is another well posed shot with great composition. Look at how the
lines on the Bride's body from her head to her toes match the railing
in the background. She also mimics the shape of the steps with her
posture within the dress.
One of the main things to look out for when taking photos of wedding
dresses is the exposure. It is always beter to just underexpose
slightly rather than overexpose the dress. If you overexpose you loose
the detail in the dress whereas if you underexpose you can always
rectify the exposure later using a good digital photography software
editing program.
Newly Married Couple Kissing Behind The Veil
I really love the creativity of this wedding photography pose. It's one
of my favorite compositions because of the thought and imagination that
has went into it. The Bride and Groom are kissing under the veil while
the Bride's hand is in the foreground holding the veil over their faces.
The photographer has really done a great job here by focusing on her
wedding ring making it the main area of the picture where the eye is
drawn to. With a wide aperture of around f/4 he has made the couple's
faces appear in the background slightly out of focus in order to
accentuate the hand and ring.
Best Books For Wedding Photography Ideas And Tips
By taking these books with you to your first meeting with the
photographer, you can show him some ideas of the type of pictures you
are looking for at your wedding.
This is a great book for getting inspiration and ideas for your wedding
pictures. With over 500 poses covering head to toe, you are bound to
find something that suits your style.
As you'd expect from a book like this, there is very little text. The
book is full of pictures which is what I liked about it. Plenty of
wedding photography ideas.
Every wedding photographer should get a copy of this book. It is also
great for couples looking for ideas for their own big day.
This book will be useful for new wedding photographers shooting their
first gig. It has clear explanations on posing and lighting. More
experienced photographers can still gain some inspiration from the many
poses throughout the book.
Are You Photographing Your First Wedding?
Don't try shooting your first wedding on your own. Seek some help and
guidance from a professional experienced photographer. Offer to assist
them at their next job to gain some experience. The last thing
you want on your conscience is ruining the bride and groom's big day
pictures that aren't up to scratch.
My advice is to take a wedding
photography training course either
online or at your local college. You will learn the basic techniques
and equipment that you need to get started. Some photography courses
even use video tutorials which I find make learning easier.
Wedding Photography Blueprint By Nick Stubbs
If you would like to begin a career in wedding photography, then I
suggest you get a copy of the
Wedding Photography Blueprint by Nick
He is a professional photographer with
many years
and has put together an eBook to help you shoot your first wedding with
confidence. He can show you which gear to buy, what poses you need to
capture, how to produce a contract and many other aspects you'll need
to master before developing your own wedding photography ideas and
skills. Click
Here To Find Out More
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Wedding Photography Poses And Ideas For A Memorable Day
Creating unique and original poses will make any
pictures you take at weddings more memorable. If you are a bride to be
or a photographer, then try some of these photo ideas.
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